Board of Governors - 2023-2024

Board of Governors

Executive Board  2023-2024

President: Peggy Brown, Austin

Vice President: LeRoy Pennock, Houston 

Treasurer: Dave Skora, Madison 

Secretary:  Laurie Burney, Dallas Fort Worth 

Past President: Tanya Shell, Dayton


Governors – Term Ending 06/30/2024         

Rosemary Amato, United Kingdom

Cristal Breitbeil, Denver

Camille Cook, AZ Valley of the Sun

Ashley Griesshammer, Kalamazoo

Trent Kramer, Minneapolis 

Gerald Ratigan, South Florida  

Governors – Term ending June 30, 2025

Harlan Fuller, Central Illinois

Maria Alyssa Aguilar, New York

Cate Long, Las Vegas

Diane Hewlett, AZ Valley of the Suns

Charles Wright, Centennial/Denver

Shawn Cahill, Michiana

Committee Chairs – Term ending June 30, 2024

Education:  Open 
Events and Hospitality:  Charlotte Elliott, Albuquerque
Scholarships and Students:  Harlan Fuller, Central Illinois

Nominating Committee & Past President: Tanya Shell, Dayton 

Committee Chairs – Term ending June 30, 2025

Communications: Dennis Rarick, Cleveland East 
Sub-Communications-Spotlight: Evan Scarbrough,  Ann Arbor
Sub Communications-Website: Darius Hinton, Nations Capital 
Sub Communications-Social Media: Gerald Ratigan, South Florida 
Membership Support: Evan Scarbrough, Ann Arbor